31 May 2022




Report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young Peoples Service


Appendices 1 and 2 of this report contain information of the type defined in paragraph

3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




1.1       To ask the Executive to approve the approach to Multiply for North Yorkshire ( in collaboration with City Of York) and to approve in principal final sign off by 30th June 2022 without need for further return to the Executive




2.1       Administered by the DfE Multiply is a dedicated strand of the UK Shared prosperity Fund. The overall objective of Multiply is to increase the levels of functional numeracy in the

            adult population across the UK. The following success measures for

            the whole programme at a national level:

·         More adults achieving Maths qualification courses

·         Improved labor market outcomes

·         Increased adult numeracy across the population


            More information can be found here Multiply: funding available to improve adult numeracy skills - GOV.UK (


2.2       York and North Yorkshire have been awarded the following amounts over a s year period commencing in September 2022



North Yorkshire



£806 587

£224 111


£930 678

£258 559


£930 678




£741 000


2.3       The money is to be allocated and used based on an evaluation of need and is to be returned in the form of an investment plan to the Department for Education by 30th June 2022


2.4       It is important to note that this money is to support a partnership of providers across the region and not just for the Adult Learning Services of York and North Yorkshire authorities


2.5       The investment plan is seen to be iterative on submission to the DfE who will work with authority leads to ensure that the plans comply with the programmes aims


2.6       Finds for Year 1 will be released once the investment is agreed with further year funding being released in the April of each financial year.






2.0       ISSUES                      


2.1       The timing, in relation to gaining executive approval, requires that the investment plan is completed before some key information has been agreed which impact on effective costing of the proposals


2.2       The first issue relates to tracking and performance. It is clear that learner’s engagement will be based upon learners being flagged on the Individual Learner Record (ILR) that is returned to the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on a monthly basis. This functionality is only open to registered education providers but there is a requirement to engage learners but working with employers and community and voluntary groups who are unlikely to be able to return ILR information.


2.3       It has also not been determined whose ILR returns will be through so it is difficult to determine if this is additional cost in relation to data entry or monitoring and to where these costs will sit.


2.4       In addition it has not yet been determined if provision under multiply will be subject to Ofsted and if it is whose Ofsted inspection will it fall under. Therefore ring fencing funds to cover quality assurance cannot be accurately determined.


2.5       The funds allocated to the region for multiply have been based on the total number of individuals who are of working age compared to how many of those have a level 3 (A level equivalent) or higher qualification. Skills data for York and North Yorkshire indicates that as a high performing region, large numbers of individuals within the county actually have qualifications that would prevent them accessing the multiply provision. With funds only available to those aged 19+ who do not hold a GCSE / O level equivalent in Maths


2.6       We have had to demonstrate a way to spend this money most effectively for greatest benefit to the region, its economy and its residents and communities.


2.7       Any provision delivered under multiply cannot displace or replace any activity delivery already undertaken via Adult skills or Community Learning funding. Activity towards Maths qualifications already utilises around 33% of the £8m funding received in the region. There is no indication at this point on whether this will be measured or not.




3.1       Money is an indicative allocation with no opportunity to roll over funds into future years. As a result all money must be spent in the planned year.


3.2       There is as yet no guidance on who will be responsible for the quality assurance of the delivery


4.0       POLICY IMPLICATIONS                              


4.1       The Adult Learning and Skills Engagement Strategy for York and North Yorkshire that is currently out for consultation. This strategy is designed to protect the funding for the Adult Learning Service as we head into potential skills devolution under a combined authority. This funding may have implications on how funding is applied in an MCA


4.2       Investment plans for Multiply must be seen to be in line with investment plans for UK shared Prosperity and vice versa with sign off of the latter required by August 2022


5.0       FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS                        


5.1       Investment plans will detail proposed spending plans for the multiply initiative.



5.2       There will be a requirement to model how spend will be transferred to delivery partners included North Yorkshires Adult Learning and Skills Service


6.0       LEGAL IMPLICATIONS                               


6.1       There will be a requirement to develop a procurement framework and draw up appropriate contracting arrangements for fund administration


6.2       To support delivery, the initiative must be supported by an appointed governance board with powers to award funds




7.1       A survey of providers has been undertaken to detail interest on working on provision.


7.2       Further consultation will be completed alongside the consultation on the adult learning strategy with all potential stakeholders


8.0       IMPACT ON OTHER SERVICES/ORGANISATIONS                     


8.1       There are significant potential benefits for partnership working across services and with community partners. Meetings have already been held with the library service and stronger communities to detail how this funding can have a positive impact.


8.2       Discussions have been held with colleagues in economic development at both county and district level


8.3       There are implications for colleagues in FE and training provider sector and across the community and voluntary sector




9.1       When questions relating to Ofsted and the ILR are fully understood there will be need to recruit to support the management of risk and reputation in relation to this funding.


9.2       It is imperative that funding is used so that future years are not impacted


10.0     HUMAN RESOURCES IMPLICATIONS                 


10.1     There will be a requirement to recruit dedicated staff to oversee the management and success of multiply. With only 10% of funding allowable for administration this may not stretch beyond a band M operational manager although funding for this post will be shared with York.


10.2     Further engagement staff may be required but these could potentially be funded from the delivery funding




11.1     The investment plan must be approved by 30th June 2022 for submission to the DfE, but not all information is fully understood but we must gain approval for the plan to be worked on with the DfE













12.1     The Executive are asked to agree that:

i.      In principle, approval be given for the submission of an Investment Plan.

ii.     Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director – Children and Young People Service to agree the final version of the plan for sign off by the Chief Executive, for submission to the DfE by 30 June 2022.




Stuart Carlton

Corporate Director – Children and Young Peoples Service


20 May 2022



Author of Report – Paul Cliff, Shared Head of Adult Learning and Skills






Appendix 1 - The draft Multiply Investment Plan (Confidential)

Appendix 2 - Section A of the Investment Plan (Confidential)



Background documents: Multiply: funding available to improve adult numeracy skills - GOV.UK (

1.    Multiply prospectus

2.    Multiply technical guidance